Accelerate Innovation
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Accelerate Innovation

Innovation is an organisation’s capacity to come up with new ideas and implement them in practice. Most organisations do not lack ideas or the desire to implement them, but they do fall short in terms of successful implementation. Many ideas fail because there’s something missing: a technical aspect needs to be figured out, the business case isn’t quite watertight, or maybe it’s not clear yet whether the client really needs what’s being offered. Innovating is a lengthy process, but does it really have to be so laborious?

We believe that innovation is not a department, but rather a team sport involving the entire organisation as well as its external partners. It’s an iterative process implemented by a team with different specialisms. A team with its own shared objectives, agreements and habits which regards connecting with other colleagues as part of the innovation challenge.

We help innovation leaders to:



Create a shared vision of innovation

In order to get the entire organisation on board, it helps to clearly frame why innovation is important for the organisation. We help your organisation to share objectives in a way that is clear and inspiring.


Create a shared vision of innovation

Map innovation

Genuine innovation plays out across the boundaries of departments and organisations. Visual support, stakeholder maps and co-innovative roadmaps help to get everyone on the same page and keep them there.


Map innovation

Communicate success stories

Communicating and validating innovations internally – while they are still in development – enhances support. Concepts, storyboards and animation help this process and further hone the concept.


Communicate success stories

Jump ahead using design sprints

One way of accelerating innovation is to organise a design sprint. Over the course of a few days a team completes a single challenge, from idea to prototype.


Jump ahead using design sprints

Why Flatland?

  • Innovation requires imagination. Nothing works better than drawings and visualisations. Seeing is believing!
  • As expert design thinkers, Flatland has experience in persuading management. We are also skilled at dealing sensitively with the various interests at play within an organisation.
  • Flatland understands that innovation also entails organisational development. It’s essential to involve the organisation and its external partners to be successful!
Let's innovate together.

How can we help?

Who is it for?

Ideal for innovation managers or innovation teams who want to get others on board with their innovation process. Whether it’s a new product or service, a business model or a solution for any problem whatsoever. We identify your challenge and translate it into a clear statement of the problem.

Then we develop a strategy that will best tackle the problem, involving all the major stakeholders in the co-creation process. Our clients work with us on product innovations, digital transformations, customer experience programmes and agile implementations.

Senior Visual Consultant

Niva van de Geer

Are you curious to find out how we can accelerate your organisation’s ability to innovate? Get in touch with Niva to discuss your objectives and possible solutions.

Niva van de Geer

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