MBO Zadkine Startcollege - Strategy development
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MBO Zadkine Startcollege - Strategy development


Jethro Bos, director of MBO Zadkine Startcollege, came to us with the following challenge: how to create engagement and enthousiasm for long term strategy goals, in a team with 60 educational professionals? We advised him to use the benefits of visualising. Not only for a visual end result, but mainly for the developing process.

Recently three departments merged together, resulting in a lot of changes for the teaching staff. The different teams had different cultures and values. Their main question was: how do we find a common ground to build a shared vision?

My collegue board members are impressed of how strategy, tactics and operations were made visual in a coherent way.

Jethro Bos director Zadkine Startcollege


Together with the client we designed and facilitated a two-day program. We mapped out the common grounds, visualised the motivations of the team members and found shared building blocks for a shared vision for the future. During the program, the results were visualised through live drawing. Drawings help to find and summarize the key problems and goals. Defining a key message through visuals make abstract themes more vivid and easy to grasp for all stakeholders.

A final delivery was an online interactive, based on the live drawings during earlier sessions. The visualisation we made together in co-creation during the two day strategy sprint is meant for multiple years, and functions as a guide for all yearly schoolplans and strategic choices. “It is recognizable for all employees and grabs the key message of our change,” tells Jethro.


The products of the strategy sprint are summarised into an interactive document and a large visual. The online document contains all topics, themes and ambitions both seperately and as a whole. The visual can be find online, but is also put on the wall of the school as a constant reminder for everyone.

The strategic visual will be a continuous reminder, also when daily busy life kicks in. The participants of the strategy sprint are now co-owner of the strategy and therefore actively propagating their plans.


  • facilitation and design of strategy development sessions
  • strategic visualisation
  • interactive schoolplan

Visualisation of our strategy helps us to make coming years' decisions: the visual creates genuine impact!

Jethro Bos director Zadkine Startcollege


Your strategy development will also benefit from visualisation!

Contact Michelle, our visual strategist, to find our more.

Email Michelle

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