TU Delft - Visualising for Global Drinking Water
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TU Delft - Visualising for Global Drinking Water

The Global Drinking Water programme supports various research projects into different aspects of safe water provision.

This programme combines scientific research in the Waterlab of the TU Delft with practice-oriented field research in developing countries. This approach accelerates innovation and improves local involvement and acceptance of end users. To provide clear information to both researchers and stakeholders, Flatland is regularly involved for visualisations and discussion boards. We develop all kinds of visuals together with researchers.

Below are some examples:

Online conferentie Access to Drinking Water

Investing in technology and infrastructure for safe drinking water can make enormous progress. More than 100 participants from all over the world therefore took part in the online conference Access to Drinking Water: Co-creation in Africa #SDG, from Pakistan to Mozambique and from Sweden to Bangladesh. Various research projects were shared in this online conference. How, in Kenya, for example, access to drinking water can be improved with simple means and how supervision and policy are developed for this. And how arsenic can be removed from groundwater in Bangladesh.

During the event, the presentations and discussions were visualized live. A nice report of the event, but moreover, drawing live during online meetings – no matter how large or small – provides much more focus and clarity.

12 facts about COVID-19 in water

We also made a visualisation about (drinking) water and the Corona crisis. As the virus reaches the whole world, including rural communities, there are many questions about how the coronavirus relates to water. Is it still safe to use untreated water? Could the virus be present in tap water or rivers? How can I best protect myself against COVID-19?

To answer these questions, TU Delft | Global Drinking Water worked with us to create a user-friendly visual overview of 12 facts about the COVID-19 virus in water. The illustration describes the importance of access to water and hygiene during this global pandemic, and what behavioral changes people in rural communities can make to best prevent the spread of the COVID-19. A visualization makes that clear in a simple way.

Symposium and Best Paper Award

On the occasion of International World Water Day 2019, TU Delft organised the first edition of the Global Drinking Water Best Paper Award. An annual recognition for researchers who contribute to SDG 6.1: achieving universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all. With the prize, the Global Drinking Water programme wants to stimulate research on this topic.

We supported the symposium with live visualisations, so that all research results can be clearly shared. We summarized the various presentations and a panel discussion in six drawings.

Senior Visual Consultant

Govert van der Heijden

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Govert van der Heijden

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