Take drawing out of the art department & how you can master the flip-over

In our opinion: everyone should be able to draw. Or as we call it, to think visually — the ability to think out loud on a flip or white-board. If you master the flip-over, you become a better thinker and communicator.


  • Visual Literacy: combine language lessons with drawing into a communication class.
  • Functional Drawing: systems thinking with simple tooling.
  • Promotion: follow our training ‘Master the Flip-Over’, yes, you can do it!

Visual Literacy

Visual literacy, the ability to interpret visual information, and drawing, one of the means to create and convey information visually, should be part of everyone’s education or professional training. It helps you structure your ideas, create meaning for yourself and others and enables you to collaborate more effectively.

George Lucas shared an interesting view on this: “I think we should rename English — It’s a communication class and you learn the English language, learn how to write, you learn grammar, but you also learn graphics. If you take graphics out of the art department, take cinema and put it into the schools, take music out of the music department.” And: “…if you really want to just learn how to communicate, then what is the basic grammar of communication then that should be taught basically in the communications class, it shouldn’t be taught in some esoteric arty thing.”

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Functional Drawing

Functional use of visualization is not limited to the use of drawings, but for most of us it is the quickest and most flexible way to make a ‘prototype’ of your idea. We call it a prototype because with a quick sketch you invite others (and actually also yourself) to add to the idea, to alter the structure you choose and to improve it. To iterate, on of the basic principle of design thinking.

Tom Wujec illustrates this with his TED Talk on ‘how to make toast’. “… systems theorists do tell us that the ease with which we can change a representation correlates to our willingness to improve the model.”

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There’s an infinite dept behind every part of making effective drawings. In drawing skill level, choosing a structure, how to present the concepts (story telling), in the choices you make on what to leave out or which metaphor to use. But the Wujec also illustrates that the basic tools are available to everyone: moveable cards and a pen.

And if you agree with your team that simple drawings are a legitimate way to replace a powerpoint, why won’t you?

Should you take a course in drawing?

If you’d like to:

  • Convince people about your idea
  • Make meetings shorter and more effective
  • Get better feedback on your plans
  • Create a shared vision within your team

…you should consider to take a training or educate yourself with some reading and experiments. We deliver in company trainings and have open courses, below you’ll find the upcoming events.

‘But… I really can’t draw…’ No worries. We also had to learn it one day. And remember, it’s not about the art, it’s about effectively communicating your ideas in simple drawings. We will learn you how you can use sketches. Within your daily profession.

Who should certainly apply?

  • (Young) Professionals looking for new ways of working.
  • Consultants explaining different processes to customers daily.
  • Researchers presenting complex ideas to noobs.
  • Teachers who knwo that their students love visuals. And want to use that power during class.
  • Powerpoint users that fall asleep during their own bullets, stock photo’s and number of slides.
  • Starters that want to stand out in future career steps.
View our courses

Flatland Academy

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