G7 Unesco Conference: Innovating for girl’s and women’s education

Worldwide a staggering 130 million girls cannot enjoy education the way we do in the Western world. Childhood marriages, bad sanitary conditions, unsafe infrastructure, violence and stereotypes are all examples of obstacles girls have to overcome in order to complete even their primary education.

The G7 organized a conference on innovation for women’s and girls’ empowerment through education. Over 1300 delegates participated, including delegates from the G7 countries, the G5 Sahel countries, and invited experts and inspirational speakers, like Nobel laureate and girls’ education activist Malala.

Our visual thinkers Janita van Ginneken and Yara Rietdijk had the honor to go to Paris to lend their powers of visualization to the conference.

Their mission: to visually highlight and share the best practices for girls’ and women’s empowerment.

Women represent two-thirds of the adult illiterate population, a proportion unchanged in the last two decades. Girls’ education is one of the most effective investments for development. When girls are educated, their lives, the lives of their children, families, communities and countries improve. Health, education, social, economic and leadership prospects increase while vulnerability to poverty, disease, mortality and violence decreases. Advancing girls’ and women’s empowerment through education is critical to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDG 5 on gender equality and SDG 4 on inclusive quality education and lifelong learning.

Visualising helps to imagine what is possible

Yara and Janita visualised all highlights said in five drawings. Mapping out insights like this in a visual way makes the abstract ideas tangible, concrete and relatable. Visuals cross language barriers, allowing everybody to understand, join in and do their part!

Using the power of design, ideas come to life in creative ways that get a gut-level response and truly help people see new opportunities. We help imagining what is possible.

During the conference the G7 committed to investing $2.9 billion in girls’ education. They endorsed a declaration supporting the importance of investing in children’s education in crises and developing countries. The declaration, which comes the substantial financial investment, will hopefully help unlock the power of girls living in the world’s most difficult places.Hopefully, it will help realize their right to an education and turn the pictures we made into a reality.

Visuals cross language barriers, allowing everybody to understand and join in!

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