Beyond the Scientific Paper

In July 2016 we visited Belo Horizonte, Brazil to eat pão de queijo and do a workshop with @FAPEMIG, The Foundation for Research Support of the State of Minas Gerais. In ‘Beyond Papers’ researchers explored using ‪#‎designthinking‬ and ‪#‎visualthinking‬ to put scientific knowledge into action by thinking strategically on how to reach new audiences.


On July 18th 2016, the Minas Gerais State Research Foundation FAPEMIG hosted about 35 people on a workshop on how we could advance science production and communication beyond the walls of academia. This introductory workshop was designed to provoke researchers from various fields to rethink their usual text-based narrative approach. In this inspiring afternoon at FAPEMIG’s Board Room, researchers and communicators experienced a flavor of the Research Storytelling Canvas. It was facilitated by Willem Minderhoud (Flatland) and produced by Caio Werneck (FAPEMIG).

Research Story Telling Canvas
Research Story Telling Canvas

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